Keepin It Rio Podcast
Keepin It Rio is a Live Podcast that airs every Thursday on multiple platforms. It’s also a great commentary and training platform, as well as a great Interview program. Any and all types of topics are discussed and at the end, everyone is. A little bit better than they were in the beginning.Brought to you by Buzzsprout
Keepin It Rio Podcast
Keepin It Rio Ep. 41: Badass Family Reunion
Chuck Allen
Season 2
Episode 41
Ladies and Gentleman, we have us a Badass Family Reunion on our hands. Southern Shingles Branch Managers Jon Oeftering from San Antonio and Brad Patterson of Oklahoma City join the show to discuss the life of a Branch Manager in major Hail Markets and how they handle the pressure, and we also find out what we would all be assumed guilty of if we were to land in Jail. All this and many, many more amazing surprises.